Francis Greenway High School

Successful Learners – Supportive Environment

Telephone02 4964 1282

Technological and applied studies

Technological and applied studies (TAS) is mandatory for all students in Year 7 and 8. Students can also select from a range of elective TAS subjects.

In TAS, students develop knowledge, understanding and skills through a design and production process using a range of tools, materials and techniques in theory and practical lessons.

The continuum of technology learning is:

  • mandated from Kindergarten to Year 8 through Science and Technology K-6 and Technology Mandatory Years 7-8 syllabuses
  • based on students becoming increasingly sophisticated in their ability to apply knowledge, skills and understanding to design and produce solutions
  • optional for student specialisation in high school through a range of syllabuses addressing particular technologies and aspects of design.

Available courses include:

  • Technology Mandatory Years 7-8
  • Agricultural Technology Years 7-10
  • Design and Technology Years 7-10
  • Food Technology Years 7-10
  • Graphics Technology Years 7-10
  • Industrial Technology Years 7-10
  • Information and Software Technology Years 7-10
  • Textiles Technology Years 7-10
  • Agriculture Stage 6
  • Design and Technology Stage 6
  • Engineering Studies Stage 6
  • Food Technology Stage 6
  • Industrial Technology Stage 6
  • Information Processes and Technology Stage 6
  • Software Design and Development Stage 6
  • Textiles and Design Stage 6.

TAS Heading

A faculty that focuses on developing an understanding of design processes to enable people to manage, interpret, shape and alter their environment to improve quality of life. Courses that lead to skills used to prosper in every-day life, that lead to career paths and further education.

TAS subjects inspire change, open the imagination, allow creativity and  provide real life challenges relevant to Future Focussed Learning


An introduction to a variety of Technology areas. These may include but are not limited to Timber, Textiles, Food, Metals and ICT. All of the technology areas focus around the areas of products, systems and built environments.  Students learn about materials, tools and techniques and apply them using the design process to create solutions. 

Students use the knowledge gained to drive them into selecting elective  subjects for years 9 &10, help them with future career goals and to use in their everyday lives.

Students also gain valuable skills in various modes of communication,  literacy & numeracy, team work, problem solving, researching, analysing and evaluation techniques.

Some projects undertaken in Technology Mandatory

                pink cake                  TAS food                  TAS cake

FOOD TECHNOLOGY  - STAGE 5 – Years 9 & 10

This course actively engages students in learning about food in a variety of settings. Information gained enables students to evaluate the relationships between food, technology, nutrition and the quality of life.  Students develop practical skills in food preparation, cooking and presentation along with skills in researching, analysing, evaluating, communication and designing for particular needs.

Some of the topics undertaken in this course are Food Equity, Food In Australia, Food Product Development, Food Selection & Health to list just a few. This course provides skills transferable to life out of school, future career paths and further education.

                                                  TAS Food Platter

FOOD TECHNOLOGY  - STAGE 6 – Years 10 & 11

Have you ever thought about where your food comes from and what happens to it when cook it?

An extension of Stage 5 Food Technology, although no previous study in Food Technology is required for this course.  Students develop an understanding about the Australian Food Industry: Production, Processing and Consumption patterns; Food Availability; Nutrition; Marketing, Policy and Legislation and Food Product Development. Practicals are undertaken during this course allowing for links to be made with the theoretical concepts of the course. This course provides students with an ATAR and can lead to some fabulous career opportunities as a Food Technologist, Food Tester, Chef, Nutritionist and Nursing to name just a few.

VET COURSES –STAGE 6 – Years 11 & 12


                                                               VET image

These courses provide the opportunity for students to gain a dual qualification – their HSC Certificate and a Vocational Education Qualification.

The Vocational Education Qualification is managed by a Registered Training Organisation with an Industry Framework to follow. This means that upon completion and demonstration of competency for particular    activities you may receive a certificate of accreditation for your course which can be used to gain employment within that field, or continue with further study at TAFE. 

Invaluable employability skills are gained through these courses: communication, team work, problem solving, initiative, organisation and self-management. 

The dual qualification means that students can gain an ATAR for entry into Tertiary Education.  All VET courses include a compulsory 70 hour work placement and for some students this leads to offers of apprenticeships and part-time work.  The Hospitality Course always finds itself preparing Functions for special events. 


A subject for those interested in developing skills in child care, child growth & development and pregnancy.  Practical skills are developed across a range of areas within these courses inclusive of: textiles, cooking,  nutritional analysis and designing educational games and activities. Students are even provided the opportunity to take home our real life baby simulator. 



Looking for a career in the Textiles Industry or just enjoy sewing, working with textiles or designing.  Textiles & Design investigates Properties &  Performance of textiles, the Australian Textile, Clothing, Footwear and Allied Industries and the making of a Major Design Project within class  accompanied by a Design Portfolio. This subject allows your creativity to grow.  Many different projects are made including: clothing, toys, bags, jewellery, wall hangings and textile art objects.


A subject for the community minded, for individuals with an interest or for those looking at entering a career associated with helping others.  This subject helps students explore and form positive attitudes about themselves and other and develop their relationships. Topics studied include: Resource Management, Individuals & Groups and  Families & Communities. 


For the budding builders, this course focuses on timber materials and processes, tools and machinery in the production of timber products along with the study of an industry/ organisation within a focus area.  As a part of Stage 6, students undertake a major project and manage the project through a folio. 


                      Hospitality Students               Two plates with decorative food

The TAS Faculty supports the growth of our students through the provision of activities/opportunities to enrich their learning and skills that can be utilised within the wider community and as a part of their educational growth. 

Additional Activities in TAS include:

The Greenway Café

GATS programs

 Building & Construction activities around the school and in the wider community